Saturday, 30 April 2011


Hye there dear students,

Have you ever went to the zoo? Do you know that zoo is a place to secure the endangered animal species? Well, apart off exhibiting the animals to the public, zoo functions to preserve this endangered animals from extinction.
Do you know that there are many animal species that face the risk of extinction? These are among the animals that are categorized as endangered species:

The threatened species :
This is that category of species that are adequate in numbers, but are facing high-risk in their natural surroundings that can lead to the probability of extinction. Examples of such species are eastern indigo snake and the red kangaroo.

red kangaroo
indigo snake

The endangered species :
This category includes species that are in the immediate probability of becoming extinct. These species require protection to exist. Examples of such species are the Siberian tiger, the southern sea otter, the snow leopard, etc. 

sea otter

snow tiger

The extinct species :
This category of animal-species includes those that are not in existence at all. Examples include the passenger pigeon, dodo, Stegosaurus, etc.


passenger pigeon

Now that you already know about the extinction these animals face, lets complete the crossword puzzle below and test your knowledge on the wild animals living on earth. Remember dear students, if we do not help these animals, they also face the risk of being extinct from mother earth! Lastly, think about what you can do to help save these animals :)

animal crossword puzzle

Thursday, 28 April 2011


Hye there students!

I have just finished filling my free time doing my hobby that is gardening. Do you love to grow flowers and plants? Do you know that gardening can make you healthy and happy at the same time? Gardening can be a good form of exercise and get you to sweat. Besides, you will feel happy and proud of yourselves when your flowers and plants start to bloom and produce fruits. This is the new plant that I grow in my small garden. It's chrysanthemum :).

Students, have you ever heard of the term repotting? Repotting plants is very important in gardening. Do you want to know more about repotting a plant? Let's check out this article about repotting plants. Don't forget to complete the exercise that follows and check your answers! Happy gardening dear students! :)



Hello dear students! Had fun with your weekend? Well, I did! I went to Teluk Batik with my friends. We had so much fun bathing in the sea! But it was so upsetting to see that the sea is polluted with rubbish :(. My dear students, why are we hurting the mother nature with our litter when she has given us so much like air to breathe and shades to shelter? What can we do to save the environment?

So today, we'll learn about the ways to preserve mother earth by: Reduce, Reuse Repair and Recycle:

Have you ever recycled? Do you know what are the purposes of these bins?  Well, blue is for papers, brown for glasses and orange for plastics. Separating the rubbish may help to ease the recycling process :)

Do you know that you can also make profits when you reuse and recycle? Hey, let's check out these creative guys!

Let's test your skill in reusing old item with this crossword puzzle exercise!
crossword exercise

Now, can we move on to our activity? So, here's what I want you to do. I'm sure that you have old newspapers at home right? Each one of you need to use your creativity to invent a new, unique item from these old newspapers. It can be anything that comes to your mind! Please bring along your invented item to school on the next English class alright? Have fun inventing students! Here is something that I have created over the weekend. 

Remember, don't trash our future! Let's reduce, reuse, repair and recycle!